Sunday, August 22, 2010


As you may have noticed in previous posts, our Grandma is cool. Sometimes, she catches pets for Logan. Her latest catch was a very small toad she found hopping through the grass in her yard.

My idea was to let Logan play with him for a few hours, and then let him "live in our ditch"... (let him go). After a mild chastisement from my mother for denying my child the joy of such a wonderful pet, I conceded.

And built him a terrarium.

Logan named him, Caterpillar Toad Boy (The toad eats caterpillars, and he is a boy... what brilliant logic.) He also eats ants, which we catch and feed to him daily.

He eats them like this... sort of.



Maggie said...

I love it Lisa!

My Logan has been after me to get a pet for so long. On a trip to St. George with the same Grandma, Logan caught two lizards which have become our family pets. We make a weekly trip to the pet store to buy crickets, I wish ants were enough!

Have fun with that little toad!

kate said...

yay! what a great pet for a little boy! love the name. hee hee. we just metamorphosed a butterfly at our house and it was magical! nature is amazing. i hope froggy has a long and full life in his nice new home.

Jo, a retired teacher said...

What fun pictures. Keep us up-to-date on the growth of Caterpillar Toad Boy, with lots more pictures of he and Logan's adventures.

Tiffany J said...

I love toads! I'm trying to persuade my hubby to let us (me) get a tree frog! They're definitely the is grandma! ;)

Scarlett said...

Ok. That lil toad is so cute. Almost as cute as your lil boy! Seriously. He's adorable!

Mama Janet said...

It was a good little frog and just when we were getting the nack of catching ants down, he was gone!

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