Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December Birthdays

My mom and Greg both have birthdays in December. With all of the hustle and bustle, sometimes they don't get the celebration they deserve. This year, my sister-in-law and I planned a date night to take them out on the town. Since Greg was turning the big 6-0, we thought it appropriate. I'm seriously glad my brother got married so I have someone to plan parties with.
We left the kids home, except for the littlest one, who Grandma promptly removed from his restful car seat to hold.
We had a lovely and entertaining dinner at the Blue Lemon. Try it. Very tasty.
This is my brother John and his lovely wife Liz. After this picture, we made fun of John's apparent inability to smile on command. We then proceeded to try to get a picture of him smiling.
He was uncooperative.
Even though we were very hilarious.
He put up his best effort to keep a straight face.
We eventually broke through....
thanks to Mom pouring cold water down his shirt.
I had to demonstrate how to give a great BIG smile for him. :)
We also enjoyed watching Stockton lick grandma's wool coat. Don't you just love the oral stage?
We took this picture to document the excellent fountains outside the restaurant.
I sure love these two.
Happy Birthday, Mom and Greg!


Jenny said...

What a fun night! I loved this post. You seriously are one of the smiliest people I know! It is funny that John was not quite so:). Cute pictures. Your Stockton is a cutie!

ls said...

love this, lis! so happy you had your camera to document john's uncooperative smiling :).

we should do this more often, birthdays or not.

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