Thursday, September 6, 2012


In Fiji, Kindergarten was affectionately called Kindie.  I much prefer that name.  Cute, huh?

Logan started this week.  When I was a teacher of young children, parents and I often joked that I would only believe half of what their child told me about them, if they would believe only half of what their child told them about me.  My favorite comments about school so far are:

From Day 1 when we picked him up:

Parents: "Logan, how was your first day?!"
Logan: "Well, my teacher kicked me, and I fell and cut my knee, and I didn't get to play at recess because I was hurt."

From Day 3 when we picked him up:
Parents: "Logan, how was school?"
Logan: "I have the trickiest and nicest teacher of all, Mom.  All of the kids like her the best."

Yep, 50% sounds about right.  Lucky you, Logan.  Your teacher is tricky, nice, and not a kicker.  I hope your year is super duper!

1 comment:

Jo, a retired teacher said...

Kindergarten already? How did that happen? Wasn't it just a couple of years ago that I subbed in your class when Logan was born? Yikes.

You're lucky, you know the kind of things small children tell their teachers about what happens at home too. Your parent conferences should be extra fun.

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