Thursday, April 1, 2010

This Post Exposes One of My Weaker Moments

as a mother. Since it was one of Logan's best moments, I'm posting anyway.

Last Saturday Logan went to bed late. Sunday he can't take a nap because of our church schedule. By Sunday night we were all exhuasted, Logan was whiney (rare), and really getting on my nerves. I was getting ready for bed, and he was standing next to me whining about something. I stopped and abruptly said,

"Logan, I'm sick of your whining. Go OUT."

He exited the room, head hung. He turned around when he reached the doorway and said through tears,

"Mommy, I'm going to say a prayer for you that you can be nice."

He proceeded to kneel down, crying, and make the following requests in his prayer,

"Please help my mommy to be nice, and please help me to forgive her."

Sweet baby. I'm glad God sent him to me. Sometimes I wonder who really needs who.


Jo, a retired teacher said...

That was very touching...

Kids often cannot identify what is whining until they are about 5. I think you both handled that very well. Logan was adorably smart.

Thank you for your support for sentences with capital letters and punctuation marks. We are becoming a minority.

kate said...

oh boo. those moments are so hard. whining is hard, sundays with no naps are hard. but we sure learn from those things. our children can really humble us. he is a lucky boy to have you, lisa.

(capitol letters are hard too. :) at least for me. actually, it's more of a style thing...but i DO love punctuation!)

Perschon Family said...

wow! that is amazing! what a sweet boy!

Emilie said...

this just shows how good of a mother you are. what 3 year old thinks on his own to say a prayer (let alone a prayer of forgiveness and help)? what a sweet boy! (and mother!) miss you lis!

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