Monday, November 16, 2015

Humpback Whales and Cotton Candy

Recent Quotes from Stockton...

"Barnacles are mysterious creatures. They grow on humpback whales for hundreds and hundreds of weeks."

"Mom, do you know why I love eating cotton candy? Because it tastes like eating a cloud."

"Mommy, you are going to have to pay me one dollar since you made me run fast and my shoes ripped.... How about 10 dollars?"

After dragging his toys, pillows and blankets to the middle of the kitchen floor while I was trying to cook dinner, I asked him what he was doing. My tone implied that he needed to get that mess cleaned up. He replied, "It is my pet zoo."

He asks me to turn on some Chinese music for him to dance to. He did a "beautiful," then "awesome," (when the music sped up) dance, which turned into a Kung Fu show.

"I am going commando crazy. I don't wear any underwear, because I am rich."

"Mom, can you take me to the dollar store?"  I ask what he wants to spend his money on, "A dishrag.  I need to clean some things." Maybe he does take after me a bit after all.

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