Thursday, September 4, 2008

$5 Dates

These are great family activities or Friday night dates.

1. Dollar menu. I prefer Wendy's to McDonald's.
2. Dollar movies.
3. Gelato and a bike ride.
4. Walk to the nearest coffee shop for italian sodas.
5. See who can get the coolest present for the other person at Wal Mart for under $2.
6. Hike a nearby waterfall. (This could cost more than $5 in gasoline to get there.)
7. Redbox and banana splits.
8. Have an SUV? Drive to a remote location, put down the back seat, and watch a movie on a laptop.
9. $5 pizza and a game of H-O-R-S-E at a local elementary school.
10. Visit a museum at a local university. BYU has a cool life science museum and the University of Utah has a great natural history museum.
11. Bake brownies and play a favorite board game. We like Scatergories and Ticket to Ride.
12. Drive to a nearby lake for a picnic. Skip rocks.
13. Snow cones. I recommend coconut syrup.
14. Go on a run. Eat popsicles afterward.
15. Get a yummy treat at from a local chocolate shop and read your favorite children's books.

Please comment and add your favorites to the list.


CoLiE-O said...

thanks for the ideas. you rock!

Perschon Family said...

I love your posts! So creative! And yes, my blog does have an identity crisis! It gets bored so easily that I like to mix things up! (I figure it is better that I change my blog background rather than paint the walls of my house when I want to change something!)

And I have to tennis to your list!! That is one of my favorite dates with Brody!

Natalie said...

Great ideas! We like to go on nature walks with our three year old. We also go to a school and play speed ball or bum ball. My three year old also loves to have races in our yard. We even give medals for the winners.

GregR said...

Oh so're the expert on having fun...put your money where your mouth is!
Go to you parents and let them entertain you for free.

ls said...

We have been known to go fishing for cheap dates... does that surprise you one bit?

We also like to get a $5 pizza and go home to watch whatever sporting event is on TV (usually Jazz games).

Emilie said...

This makes going on a date look easier...maybe we can do that :)

Go on a scenic drive.
Window shop.
Have friends over for a game night.
Buy a gallon of ice cream and make homemade milkshakes :)

Frazier Family said...

Great ideas! We are totally looking for cheap dates and things to do. We just need to find a babysitter for under $5 :) The drive to Mats and Nikki is probably close to that. Love you and miss you!

Danielle said...

Holy Crap!

I just stumbled onto your blog from Francine's, and I thought- I wonder if thats MY Topher and Lisa- Of course by Mine, I mean- the only Topher and Lisa I have ever met....

I hate when I get a million people on my blog who don't comment, so by principal, I have to say HI! Remember me, the chick from the Design Center at DRHorton- Sheesh! How many homes did you buy a new home while I was there?

Cute blog. I can't believe how old your little guy is, or that I knew you before you were pregnant...and while you were pregnant....and I have to say- the day you came to the models and I got to hold him as a newborn for a few minutes. Sheesh....I could've gone without that! Now I'm stinking pregnant again! Thanks a lot!

wispy willow said...

Hi... ran across your blog on Lin's. Fun ideas. Though I'd add a few for kicks.

1. Hike to a hill top and hit used golf balls off the top.

2. Tie a kite string to your ankle and fly kites while lying on the grass eating m&m's and reading Calvin and Hobbs.

3. Tie individual cereal boxes to trees and let your kids pick them off the trees for breakfast in the morning. They can also hunt for orange juice and/or fruit hidden in the yard. We got completely giddy planning these mornings for our kids.

4. Have a picnic on top of a box car in the old train yard.

5. Take a sketch pad to the park and have a contest drawing ducks, people sitting on benches, flowers, etc... winner gets $5.00 worth of favorite chocolates.

6. Mow a widow's lawn and plant some flowers in her appointment necessary.

7. Try on costumes at a local costume shop. Admire one another.

8. Give each other a foot massage and pedicure...outside.

9. Build a 6 foot snowman... or build a mini race car out of snow and blow the whole $5.00 on food coloring at the dollar store to paint it.

10. Write each other love letters and tuck them in each other's pillows to read later. Your man deserves an ice cream sundae for this activity.

11. Invite friends over to make waffles and smother them with chocolate and caramel toppings or strawberries, fresh peaches and whipped cream.

12. Play jacks and marbles, finger paint, play wiffle ball with friends.

13. Have a popcorn old fashioned water balloon fight...
a Bazooka bubble gum blowing contest.

14. Bake cookies, and after eating waaaaay to many, wrap them in the funnies and deliver them to a women's shelter for the kids staying there.

15. Go to CostCo and eat the free samples for dinner then, hit the dollar movies.

16. Test drive a convertible. Some dealerships still let you take them out alone.

Just some of the things my hubby and I did...and our daughter and her hubby are doing for a cheap date and a few giggles. Sillier than average?? Maybe so, but we have some GREAT memories!!!

Kristi Sue Fulton said...

You are like an encyclopedia of knowledge and ideas! And always having fun!

Lilli said...

You could actually make it a free date if you rode your bike to Artic Circle and got a free courtesy cone! :) We should double date sometime...I think I can take you on in a game of Ticket to Ride! I'll bring the brownies. Love the list...thanks for the ideas.

Amy said...

build a a book together in it, or watch a movie

have you played the Swiss version of Ticket to Ride? that's our new favorite! it's a great 2 person game!

Amy said...

btw...thanks for teaching me back in our Alta days to de-junk...I'm glad to see you continuing the tradition. I don't think I match your dejunking abilities, but I always have a box to take to Salvation Army! it's a great way to live!:)

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