Sunday, October 25, 2009

Who Said Two is Terrible?

Logan loves kangaroos.  Sometimes he asks if he can sit in my pouch.  That means he wants me to sit cross legged and let him sit on my lap.
When I do something he wants me to do he smiles and says, "Yes!  Good job!"
Sometimes he makes up words and asks me to repeat them syllable by syllable.  He always praises me after I repeat them correctly.
He is "reading books" to himself and to me.  He has the text memorized in some of his books, which he recites.  In others, he makes up the story as he goes along.  Even if he is saying "made up" words, he still says them slowly and pretends to sound them out.
He is also still calling Santa Claus, Noah.  I just can't correct it.  I love it.


Rebecca and Nick said...

We like that Logan. I wished we lived closer so Owen and Logan would remember each other better!

Jo, a retired teacher said...

I have always loved the 18-month to 3-year-old age group! Whoever said the twos were terrible, hadn't yet had a 5 year old. (Although Logan will probably be adorable then too.) Are you writing these things down somewhere to keep?

ls said...

totally agree-- two is so far from terrible! i think it is the most fun age yet. logan is so funny and smart.

Melynn said...

Sounds like you have taught him well.

I look forward to Madelyn being two for the very reasons you just outline.

Glad you are liking being a mom.

Marissa said...

Stop growing up Logan...I am missing it! I love you two people!

Christopher said...
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Perschon Family said...

I still say that twos have some "terrible" moments but are well made up for by moments like the ones you wrote about! What a cute little boy you have! (I'm loving my 2 year old Luke right now too!)

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