Friday, August 8, 2008

Moving Mama

My parents sold their house.  They are downsizing.  My mom decided to gut the house they are moving into and pack and clean the house she is living in... all at the same time... in one week.  She is the hardest working lady I've ever met.  

Neither she nor I are very attached to things like houses and the stuff we fill them with.  We've gotten rid of lots and lots.  More will probably go before the week is over.  The memories that bring meaning to the space she lives in will follow wherever she goes.  There are a few things I'm going to miss about "home" though.

1.  The pine tree we planted when my dad passed away
2.  The wisteria vines that grow behind the detached garage and the virginia creeper that shades the back deck
3.  Neighbors
4.  The view of the mountains out the window of my old bedroom
5.  The perfect running route that I used to jog (and still do occasionally)
6.  Big family gatherings 
7.  Being able to walk to the cemetery where my dad is buried
8.  Having my in-laws and my parents walking distance from each other (convenience)
9.  Seeing how beautiful the yard I helped put in has become
10. The door going to the basement where my mom records everyone's heights.  My name is on there several times.  She likes to check and see if I've grown.


Perschon Family said...

If my parents sold their house I think I'd have a similar list of what I'd miss....not the stuff...but the little things that made it home!

Emilie said...

I'll miss that really cute back porch. Good for your mom. I remember our apartment as roommies was decorated quite nicely with old rugs and pillows from your mom's redecorating :)

Jo, a retired teacher said...

That surprised me. Is your mom going to spend more time in Hurricane? Did they buy another house up there?

I wondered where you got your throwing away stuff endorphin rush, now I know. ;-)

Andrea said...

What a nice post. You've made me take a moment to reflect on what I'd miss from my childhood home. Thanks for that.

CGhica said...

I am confused...You live in a different house when your dad died,did you move a pine tree to the that house? Remember the honey suckle bushes at that house? I remember you teaching me out to pull out the inside to taste the sweet. Good times.

GregR said...

I'm with you.
Let's go next summer!

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