Monday, August 25, 2008

Useless Periphery

I have issues with bulletin boards. While volunteering this week, I encountered a teacher who spends an enormous amount of time spacing, analyzing, pinning, re-pinning, and choosing borders for bulletin boards. I know that our classrooms need to be appealing and visually stimulating to students. I also recognize the value of displaying student work and academic aids that support curriculum. However, I do not think enormous amounts of time should be spent antagonizing over which color of butcher paper best matches your ladybug border. Time is limited. Energy is finite. I think there are activities much more worthy of attention.

This got me thinking about my own life. Are there activities I spend time doing that aren't really helping me accomplish my most important objectives?

I'm evaluating.


Jo, a retired teacher said...

Yes, I think we all do that.

Sometimes it seems to help us think. I taught with a fabulous teacher who always did lovely things in her room before she sat down to do actual planning. I asked her about it, and she said that she needed to have the room ready before she could concentrate.

Come to think about it, I've taught with another teacher who spent all kinds of time and effort on her room--including painting if she thought it necessary. But she put the same ambition into her teaching--it just filled up her life (she didn't have children).

It's all about focus and what you need to do to accomplish what you want to achieve.

Perschon Family said...

You're so funny! I love how you can go into any situation and find something to learn from and you use the lesson to evaluate your life!

I think you have a gift for this!! I'm learning as a mom of young kids to distinguish between what is important to spend my time on. Without fail, when I spend my time with my boys they are always happier!

Natalie said...

I need to evaluate too! Thanks for your thoughts.

ls said...

where on earth were you volunteering, and how on earth did you find time between hauling out cabinets and towing cars with trailers??!

Frazier Family said...

I miss you Lisa. I hope things are going well. I am constantly amazed at your strength and ability to look at everyday things and apply them to your life and how you can better yourself. I can learn a lot from you. Give Gogan kisses for me. Max still talks and asks for all of you~

Kim said...

I know I do (like blogging, perhaps?) Sometimes what is wasted energy for one person is very fulfilling to another, though. For instance, I do not like to quilt, but do occasionally. However, I know people who spend countless hours quilting and are quite fulfilled by it. bulletin boards are another story, though.
I've been thinking about you today. Hope you are well!

Jaime said...

Hey Lisa,
Kristin told me about your blog, so I have been checking in on it. I am going to add a link onto my blog for yours now! I like reading your deep thoughts on your blog, they make me stop and think!

Tiffany J said...

I love "Jo's" comments. I can totally sympathize with the teacher who's room had to be clean and "done" in order to concentrate. That's totally me! I have had a lot of time to re-evaluate's interesting the things you learn. Thank you for showing us a different perspective and teaching us something a long the way!

GregR said...

Yes, then the fire mashal comes in and says to take the whole thing down...

Cheryl Ann said...

I agree with you! I post a lot of kid work on my bulletin boards and don't spend a lot of time coordinating colors! I also have my own "horse wall" with pics of my 5 horses. The kids spend more time THERE talking and discussing horses than looking at the bulletin boards that we are REQUIRED to post!

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