Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Please Talk to Your Kids, You'll be Surprised at What they May not Know

I work as a private tutor two days a week.  This week I was working with a little darling on some mental math skills.  Although this student is in 5th grade, they were unable to tell me the value of 3 quarters.  I have met many 6th and 7th graders who do not know the difference between odd and even numbers, or how to divide a number by two.  None of these children have learning disabilities, they just struggle because they have few meaningful one on one conversations with adults about how to apply what they learn.  I have made a few observations as a teacher and tutor.  
1.  It is relatively easy to teach a child who is 3-5 years to read.  
2.  It is extremely difficult to teach a child who is 9+ years to read.
3.  Children usually do okay if they watch some T.V. and play some video games.
4.  Children who have unlimited T.V. and video game privileges struggle concentrating, listening, and participating in three-dimensional interactions with peers and adults.  Possibly this is because they choose to vegetate in front of a screen almost exclusively and have limited experience with other activities that help them develop positive social skills and strong work habits.
5.  Children crave structure and boundaries.  They make them feel safe.  Children act out to find boundaries.
6.  Children enjoy positive meaningful interaction with adults.
7.  Children are intuitive regarding our feelings about them.
8.  Children are highly influenced by the attitudes of the adults they are around.
9.  Many of the children I have seen who struggle are unwilling, not unable.  Often they are unwilling because they don't think they can be successful.  
10. Children who have a father and mother who are actively involved in their education rarely have trouble being successful in school.  


Melynn said...

Hello teacher mama, I know you were the best teacher. Now you are the best tutor and mother. Thanks for sharing those things. It makes me excited to be a good mom.

em&m said...

Its good to be reminded of those things. Its easy to slide into being a lazy parent (for me). I'm glad you posted that info though.
Anyway, Jenksy is Tiffany Jenks - Mark's cousin on the Snow side. You can link to her from my page - Steve and Tiffany.

Emilie said...

I enjoy your insights and totally agree. I feel the most important thing I can do right now is focus on being a good mom. It makes me sad some people don't see that.

Tiffany J said...

Lisa - hope I didn't freak you out by posting on your last post! ha ha Last time we saw each other was at Bradon's wedding...long time... Anyway just wanted to say hi...

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