Friday, April 18, 2008

Little Reader

Logan and I have a morning ritual of reading together.  I prefer reading in the morning and when he wakes up from naps as opposed to bedtime.  He is much more interactive and attentive when he is not exhausted.  

This morning Logan pointed to the fish when I asked him where it was.  He also pointed to a ball in the book and said ball.  For a teacher who is familiar with the developmental stages children go through as readers, this was a big day.  I was more excited this morning when he pointed at the fish than when he took his first steps.   I love watching Logan learn new things.

1 comment:

Tiffany J said...

He's such a cutie! Reading is awesome. Brady LOVES books. We've even gone to our public library for story times and to get new books! Thanks by the way for the recommendations in your earlier posts.

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