I took Logan's binki away. No matter how much I want him to stay a little baby, he isn't one. He is a walking talking little boy. It was time. The first nap was dreadful. The first night was a little bit rough. I let him cry through his wake-ups. Last night he didn't wake up at all, and he went right down for his nap today. I imagine if I had waited too much longer it would have been more of a struggle. He still gets his bottles before sleeping. I decided on a slow transition to sippie cups over the next few months.
It is a little bit of a sad day for mama. Days are passing more quickly than I would like them to.
Right before I had Logan, a beautiful white-haired grandmother who I didn't know came up to me and put her arm around me. She asked when my baby was due. I told her, and I will never forget her reply. With all of the love and wisdom that she had she said, "These are the glory days. Enjoy every minute of them. One day you will wish you could return to this time of your life." It was a little miracle for me. I was feeling some concern and anxiety about my new undertaking and the changes it required. I hope I never forget her wise advice.
I almost cried reading that post. My babies are growing up so fast, I almost can't stand it. It hits me sometimes how great and how fleeting these glory days are.
sometimes i just sit in my girls' room at night and watch them sleep. i'm just so grateful i have them forever! now my 3 year old is becoming my favorite girl to hang out with. it just gets better and better.
Have I told you how much I love that boy? So much! Max never did a bink and sometimes I was sad about it, but I think in the long run it was good. That old lady was right. Just yesterday I was thinking about how much I loved it when Max had just started walking...each stage is fun, but I miss the little stage he's moving out of :( We're excited to play today!
I look at Hudson all the time and think to myself that it is going too fast. I think that is why I still let him sleep with me. I know that I will never have this time again. Its only a short amount of time compared to rest of his life so I allow him to sleep right next to me. Time is so precious!
Oh he sure is getting big...a lot has happened since A. Richards :) It was so good to see you last weekend. Thanks for taking time to hang out :)
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